Advanced Diploma of Ministry

This is a course of the Australian University of Theology

This is our recommended option for those training for children’s and youth ministry.
With just 2 days/week on campus you can complete this within two years (a three-quarter study load). The Advanced Diploma of Ministry provides a biblical and theological foundation for long term vocational ministry and will equip you with specialised knowledge and skills for effective ministry to children and young people. 

Ideal for:

  • A two-year traineeship for children's and youth ministry.

  • Being equipped for vocational ministry.

  • Pathways to further theological study at AUT colleges.*

*Students seeking entry into second year of Moore College should instead consider the Advanced Diploma of Theology, Associate Degree of Ministry or the Associate Degree of Theology.


  • Introduces students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message, and provides training which emphasises application and practice of this story and message in the contemporary world at a higher level than the Diploma of Ministry.

  • Requires specialisation in disciplines by which knowledge of God is applied to guide Christian practice:

    • Evangelism & Missiology (EM) and/or

    • Pastoral & Church Focused Ministry (PC) and/or

    • Development and Education Ministry (DE)

  • The course will integrate studies in the Bible and Christian tradition with practical experience and include supervised practice based learning where appropriate.

  • Through elective units students can:

    • Develop particular ministry skills in the three fields of Ministry & Practice

    • Develop foundational understanding in the Bible and Christian Thought & History

Course Structure

The Advanced Diploma of Ministry requires 144 credit points (12 units) for completion. The course duration is 1.5 years full-time, or can be completed over several years part-time.

Common Core

  • 24cps Old / New Testament Introduction (from OT001-512, OT002-512, NT001-512, NT002-512)

  • 24cps in Christian Thought (CH/TH/PE)

Primary Course Discipline

  • 48cps PC / EM / DE, including at least 12cps at Level 6 or above

Credit Electives

  • At least 48cps elective units from any unit field

Units in this course are completed at Level 5 and above, including at least 24cps (2 units) at Level 6 or above.

Sample Course

For students training for Children’s and Youth Ministry (on campus Mon-Tue)

First Year:

OT001-512 Old Testament Foundations

TH008-512 The Doctrine of God and the Person and Work of Christ

PC076-512 Personal and Spiritual Formation for Christian Ministry

DE037-512 Foundations of Children’s and Youth Ministry

NT001-512 Jesus and the Gospels

TH009-512 The Holy Spirit, Grace, Church and Hope

Second Year:

DE011-512 Youth in the Churches / DE015-512 Young Adults’ Ministry / DE022-512 Children’s Ministry Skills

CH002-512 Christianity in History from 1550

NT022-512 New Testament Apocalyptic

DE042-612 Intergenerational Ministry

OT020-512 The Psalter / OT022-512 Isaiah

DE019-612 Sexuality and Identity

All Units Offered

On Campus (Newtown)
OT001-512 Old Testament Foundations
OT020-512 The Psalter / OT020-612 The Psalter
OT022-512 Isaiah / OT022-612 Isaiah

NT001-512 Jesus and the Gospels
NT002-512 The Early New Testament Church
NT022-512 New Testament Apocalyptic / NT022-612 New Testament Apocalyptic

TH008-512 The Doctrine of God and the Person and Work of Christ
TH009-512 The Holy Spirit, Grace, Church and Hope
CH002-512 Christianity in History from 1550
PE001-512 Christian Ethics

DE037-512 Foundations of Children’s and Youth Ministry
DE011-512 Youth in the Churches
DE015-512 Young Adults’ Ministry
DE022-512 Children’s Ministry Skills
DE045-512 Formative Christian Teaching
DE019-612 Sexuality and Identity
DE042-612 Intergenerational Ministry
DE036-612 Children's and Youth Ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney

LA005-612 New Testament Greek A
LA006-612 New Testament Greek B

By Intensive (NSW Mid-North Coast)
PC076-512 Personal and Spiritual Formation for Christian Ministry

OT001-512 Old Testament Foundations
OT002-512 Old Testament Prophets and Writings
OT020-512 The Psalter / OT020-612 The Psalter
OT022-512 Isaiah / OT022-612 Isaiah

NT001-512 Jesus and the Gospels
NT002-512 The Early New Testament Church
NT016-512 The Fourth Gospel / NT016-612 The Fourth Gospel
NT022-512 New Testament Apocalyptic / NT022-612 New Testament Apocalyptic

TH008-512 The Doctrine of God and the Person and Work of Christ
TH009-512 The Holy Spirit, Grace, Church and Hope
CH001-512 Christianity in History to 1550
CH002-512 Christianity in History from 1550

DE011-512 Youth Ministry
DE015-512 Young Adults Ministry
DE022-512 Children’s Ministry Skills
DE050-512 Christian Special Religious Education: Principles and Practice
DE053-612 Children and Young People with Disability and Neurodivergence
EM004-512 Evangelism: An Introduction
PC003-512 Pastoral Skills and Methods / PC003-612 Pastoral Skills and Methods
PC035-512 Principles of Leadership and Management
PC047-512 Preaching I / PC047-612 Preaching I

Admission Requirements

ATAR: Completion of Year 12 with an ATAR of 65 or above; OR

Previous Qualifications: Successful completion of a qualification at AQF Level 5 or above; OR

Demonstrate Academic Suitability for course: Test, Brief Essay, or Interview.

Language Qualifications for NESB: IELTS 6.5 overall with minimum of 6.0 in each subtest OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work.

Articulation Options


  • BMIN20

Exit Options

  • DIPTH20

  • UCTH20

Overseas Students

This course is registered on CRICOS and is available to overseas students at selected delivery locations. See here for more information.

Learning Outcomes

Discipline Knowledge and Understanding

1. Demonstrate a wider range of knowledge of ‘Ministry’ as an academic discipline than Diploma Graduates with particular attention to at least one area of ‘Ministry and Practice’

2. Draw on the key biblical and theological foundations of Ministry

3. Appreciate the key theological, spiritual and ethical implications of Ministry knowledge and understanding

Inquiry and Analysis

4. Collect, summarize, and analyse information from a wider range of biblical, theological and social scientific sources and scholarship in inquiry based learning

Problem Solving and Integration

5. Construct evidence-based perspectives and responses to key Ministry issues by using a wider range of source materials and methods


6. Present key Ministry ideas, knowledge and principles to, and engage with, different audiences using a variety of formats

Teamwork and Professional Practice

7. Under supervision, apply key Ministry understanding in formal ministry contexts and the wider community

Engagement With the World

8. Engage with the key challenges of contemporary Christianity, society and the wider world

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

9. Demonstrate a capacity for reflection and learning to sustain personal and professional development in Christian life and ministry

Course Rules

  • Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60cps