Professional development for those who have already gained their teaching qualification through an approved teacher education course.


We offer 3 default course options for Professional Development.

All courses can be tailored with different units to suit Professional Development needs:

  1. A 4 unit Undergraduate Certificate completed within 2 years of beginning the course*

  2. An 8 unit Diploma of Theology completed within 5.5 years of beginning the course.

  3. A 4 unit Graduate Certificate of Divinity completed within 2 years of beginning the course.

Students can transfer and articulate units from enrolled or completed courses into other higher course awards (eg. Undergraduate Certificate to Diploma; Diploma to Advanced Diploma etc).

For FULL TIME or PART-TIME teachers, we recommend completing either course through the flexible learning combinations of in-person intensive mode, or online.

Please contact to find upcoming dates, locations, and units being taught at Intensives.

For CASUAL teachers, we recommend completing the 8 unit Diploma of Theology in one calendar year learning 2 days (Mon-Tues) on campus in Newtown, Sydney, and working 3 days per week (Wed-Friday) as a school casual teacher.

*There will be a government review of the Undergraduate Certificate programs prior to 30/06/2025. Therefore, students are only eligible to enrol in the course where they plan to complete all course requirements by 30/06/2025.

Course Structure

(CCE Default) ACT UNITS OFFERED for The Undergraduate Certificate:


TH008-512 – “The Doctrine of God and the Person and Work of Christ”

TH009-512 – “The Holy Spirit, Grace, Church and Hope”

NT001-512 – “Jesus in the Gospels”

Christian Living (choose 1):

PE001-512 – “Christian Ethics”

DE019-512 – “Sexuality & Identity”

DE045-512 – “Formative Christian Teaching”

(CCE Default) ACT UNITS OFFERED for The Diploma of Theology:


TH008-512 – “The Doctrine of God and the Person and Work of Christ”

TH009-512 – “The Holy Spirit, Grace, Church and Hope”

New Testament (choose 1)

NT001-512 – “Jesus and the Gospels”

NT002-512 – “Acts to revelation”

Old Testament:

OT001-512 – “Old Testament Foundations”


PE001-512 – “Christian Ethics”

DE019-512 – “Sexuality & Identity”

DE045-512 – “Formative Christian Teaching”

Church History:

CH002-512 – “Christianity in History from 1550”


  • Provides a solid theological foundation for CURRENT TEACHERS in addressing and responding to challenges in Christian educational settings. 

  • The mode of study is flexible and the level of study achievable for working teachers. 

  • Teachers learn to deepen their theological thinking AFTER their secular university education. Gaining a robust theological foundation AFTER their education degree at a secular university will help teachers engage with, and respond to the secular ideas they encounter with families and students in the school setting. It also avoids a cloistered Christian institutionalism that retreats from the world. 


Youthworks College is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology (ACT). The tuition fees are set by ACT on an annual basis. More information about tuition fees is available here.


Investment for students:

$2,600.00 per unit. FEE-Help available to eligible Australian citizens for all units.

Investment for schools:

Any overtime, time off, or financial incentive offered to FULL TIME teachers for undertaking the course as part of the PL&D

Important ACT Policies for prospective students include: Academic Integrity policy for Coursework awards, Course Progress Policy, Coursework Course Enrolment Policy, Credit Transfer Rules, Grievance Resolution Policy – Students, Prior Learning Policy, Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy, Tuition Fee Refund Policy, Unit enrolments and results policy, Whistleblower Policy.

Admission Criteria

Youthworks College welcomes students from all denominations who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ and are active church members. Applicants should understand that as an organisation of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Youthworks College operates under the Diocesan Statement of Faith.

Youthworks College expects all staff and students to adhere to the national code of conduct, Faithfulness in Service and the Youthworks College Code of Conduct.

All students over 18 years will require a Working with Children Check (WWCC). This check will give you a WWCC number which should be provided to for verification. To apply for your WWCC visit the NSW Kids Guardian. This requirement also applies to all online students residing in NSW.

Youthworks College is committed to the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children, therefore you are also required to complete the Safe Ministry training package prepared by the Sydney Anglican Diocese (or equivalent training endorsed by the NCCA's Safe Church Program).


How can we organise for our teachers to study through the Centre for Christian Education for Professional Development?

Teachers can apply and enrol to study through the Centre for Christian Education as an Online student at any time. For the dates, locations, and current offering of in-person intensive units, or to organise a unit to be taught at your school location please contact

I’m a qualified teacher, can I do the 2-day per week one year program while working 1-3 days a week as a casual teacher?

Yes, absolutely! We’ve had a number of casual teachers and first year teaching graduates ask about doing this option. This is an excellent way to invest one year of your career for growing your gospel-expertise as a teacher. Qualified and experienced teachers will also enrich the experience for FUTURE TEACHERS who do this as their default option.